MasonBreese is an accredited Living Wage Employer

At MasonBreese we are committed to being a responsible corporate citizen and to contributing positively to society.
In January 2022, MasonBreese became a Living Wage employer which means that every person working within our value chain earns a Living Wage.
What is a ‘Living Wage’?
A ‘Living Wage’ is a rate of pay that allows workers to live in dignity within our society. The Living Wage Foundation works in conjunction with Caritas Jersey to manage and promote a voluntary scheme where companies agree to become Living Wage Employers. The Living Wage Foundation believes the impact of the accreditation will be a major contributor to the eradication of poverty within our community and an end to excessive inequality.
Why did MasonBreese become a Living Wage employer?
We became a Living Wage employer because our people are important to us. We value our employees as our most valuable asset and strive to provide a safe, inclusive, supportive and enjoyable work environment.
We are committed to adding tangible, social value to both the communities we work in and within our business. We believe that business success goes hand in hand with ethical practices, social responsibility, and environmental stewardship.
Learn more about our CSR initiatives and principles.